S2 E1 Nauset Beach Gazebo with CoCo

A wild show filled with colorful characters contrasting with the bleak and drab, morally-conflicted protagonist, who struggles with addiction while working in law enforcement. Season 2 is dark and gritty, as Jackie QuiƱones (Monica Raymund) dips her toes in to troubled waters time and time again, all while attempting to improve her life and put bad guy Frankie Cuevas Sr. (Amaury Nolasco) out of business.
While the first season was actually shot in Cape Cod, the production moved to Wilmington for the second season. As such, only the second season is covered on this website. Still, there were several scenes, especially in the first episode, which were filmed in Cape Cod. For the sake of completion, those scenes filmed for season 2 in Cape Cod are also included here.