Wilmington, NCMovie & Television
Filming Locations

New Hanover High School

Gang Hangout behind School

They partied at night in the school parking lot.
© Vestron Pictures, Inc.They partied at night in the school parking lot.

A few times the parking lot for the New Hanover High School is used as the hangout spot for the boys.

Bobby and Dinger just can't ever go too far away from school.
© Vestron Pictures, Inc.Bobby and Dinger just can’t ever go too far away from school.

The Gang’s High School

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.Dinger (Corey Haim) stands out while Bobby hides under his hair (Corey Feldman)

These guys probably didn’t know that Sandy (Laura Dern) and Jeffery (Kyle MacLachlan) attended this very same school a few years prior in the movie Blue Velvet. This school has been used multiple times for various productions. In this movie, they didn’t even try to hide the actual school name, New Hanover High School, as seen just above Maureen’s (Ria Pavia) funky sailor cap.

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.Shelley (left, Lala Sloatman) and Lainie (right, Meredith Salenger) abstain from eating as fashionista Maureen pigs out

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.

There were also shots taken from the rear of the school, along Princess Street, which is where they entered after crossing through Coleman’s yard. Coleman’s house is directly across the street from the school.

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.This sloped passageway from the gymnasium is used several times by Joel (William MacNamara) and Lainie

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.

And for Lainie and Joel’s make out spot, it’s once again at the school, which fits the story, as Joel just waited for Lainie’s dance class to end before getting her alone and her rushing off on her bike from the school. This area is now a set of what I assume are air conditioning units, so the small park is now gone.

I’m assuming that all interior scenes involving the school are from this same location. For the Valentine Dance, the fast exit by Bobby and Lainie spurs Joel to give chase, but Dumas (Matt Adler) sends Joel airborne instead. This fuels the raging fire within the troubled and troublesome Joel to get even.

© Vestron Pictures, Inc.This is the same location as the gang hangout, the same parking lot.

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