Dinger and Derek Hurry to Stop Joel, Bobby Drives Around

Dinger (Corey Haim) and Derek (John Ward) hurry to stop that asshole Joel (William McNamara) who previously showed Dinger his gun and told him what he planned to do with it.
John Ward is actually from Wilmington, his sister was a stand-in for Drew Barrymore when Stephen King’s Firestarter was filmed here. He popped up later in a few other Wilmington productions, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990), Sleeping with the Enemy (1991), and Matlock (1993-1994).
Also, a car scene shows Bobby (Corey Feldman) driving past this same cemetery, just a bit back the other direction. In all likelihood, Corey wasn’t probably even driving the car, speaking from experience. One of my first Ichabod Crane photo double gigs for FOX’s Sleepy Hollow was riding along with the Lt. Abbie photo double, we were just a couple blocks away at a different cemetery. I didn’t even have the real coat on, and they gave me a horrible wig. Seeing in to cars is hard, so just about anyone can do it without needing to pay an expensive actor to do some mind-numbing driving in circles.

And going in the direction that Dinger and Derek were heading leads to a previous shot of Bobby driving past a gas station, which is also just a bit down Princess Place Drive.

Tags: Bellevue Cemetery, Corey Haim, John Ward, Princess Place Drive